Xcode-beta 15 — first look
1. Xcode-beta
As Apple rightly said Xcode-15 is now 50% smaller on the Mac App Store, with downloadable simulator runtimes for all platforms.

Literally 50%

2. Downloadable Simulator Runtime:
Simulator runtime is now downloadable. If you wonder how you’ll be able to link this simulator runtime to Xcode then don’t worry it needs only 3 commands:
xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode-beta.app
xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch
xcrun simctl runtime add “~/Downloads/iOS_17_beta_Simulator_Runtime.dmg”

3. Preview is not limited to SwiftUI now
#Preview in Xcode-15 provides a powerful feature of live preview of ViewController, yes you read it right its UIKit. See this

4. How to use Image assets in Xcode15?
Answer is just like a breeze.. don’t believe me see this

5. Xcode Console and its (lldb) command pan